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The Stock Market Advisory Company

Investing in the stock market can sometimes be a complex and overwhelming activity for a retail trader or investor, as share markets are subjected to sudden price changes triggered by various dynamic factors. Therefore, to overcome this hurdle and maximise the return on investment, an investor can seek stock market advisory services from a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) or a Research Analyst (RA), also known as a financial advisor or an investment advisor. Both of these are SEBI-registered professionals who are authorised to give advice on the stock market.
Stock market advisory is a service that provides the service of investment advisory in the stock market to an investor who wants to invest and generate returns but lacks the required skills or knowledge to do so. Share market advisory helps investors park their funds in the best possible stocks or investment vehicles with the help of the knowledge and experience of an RIA who is empowered to give investment advice according to the requirements of their clients.
This service includes understanding the varied factors that affect an investor's investment decision, such as investment duration, investment objective, risk profile, etc., and advising them about the best investment opportunities available for wealth creation and generating stable income while minimising the risk.
Price starts at
per month*
*Price may vary across different Pro plans durations
Why is stock market advisory important
Risk minimization: -
Share market advisory plays a vital role in helping an investor choose the right investment opportunity with minimum risk because of the ability of an investment advisor to thoroughly analyse the effect of various factor on a particular investment that increases the percentage of the overall portfolio of an investor
Professional advice: -
Stock market advisory service is given by registered investment advisors who are trained professionals who perform trend & investment analysis, portfolio building, logic & data-based research, and assist the investor in choosing the right stock for investment. Thus investors gets exposure to professional advisory of a research analyst which allows them to build wealth and generate higher rate of returns for their portfolios.
Maintenance of regulatory compliance and ethical standards: -
Financial markets are regulated. Therefore, an investor needs to ensure that all the regulations and compliance are followed while investing. However it is a tedious task for an investor to follow these regulatory guidelines regularly because they keep changing frequently; therefore, stock market advisory services assist in upholding the ethical standards and regulatory framework in the stock market and keep the investor safe from any potential scrutiny.
Streamlining of investment procedure: -
Due to extensive training and immense amount of knowledge an investment advisor is able to streamline the investment journey of the investors by simplifying and explaining methodologies and principles of stock market investing to the investors.
Increased ROI: -
Return on investment is one of the significant benchmarks to judge the profitability of an investment. Hence a share market advisory provided by financial advisors is highly focused on increasing the ROI of the investments by applying complex analysis and methods of research.
Available memberships

Premium screeners

Equity trades

Futures trades

Options trades


What is Univest, and what does it do?
With the rising interest and knowledge of the public in the stock market, there is a simultaneous increase in the number of share market advisory service companies that provide stock recommendations to their users. Univest is another name on this list that has disrupted this segment by establishing itself as the market leader in stock market advisory and giving its customers the stock market recommendations in the last two years. This company has gained a user base of 30+ lac users who follow the recommendation to maximise their wealth and build a robust portfolio
Univest, at its core, is a customer-centric company that generates higher and sustained returns for its customers by providing personalised share market advisory through recommendations based on thorough research and analysis.
Univest mainly focuses on assisting its users to avoid recurring losses by recommending an exit price range for their bad investments and the right investment opportunity for reinvestment. Univest
1)Competitive Pricing -
The subscription plans by Univest Company are offered at around Rs. 6 per day that allow 100% of the Indian investors to earn from the stock market.2)Credibility and trust -
The user base of Univest now stands at a figure of 30+ lacs consumers, who have made it a credible and trustworthy company in stock market advisory.3)Proven track record -
Over a span of 2 years, Univest was able to recommend investment opportunities to its users in equity, futures and options with a high accuracy rate and a growing customer base.Who are stock market advisors
Registered Investment Advisors (RIA), and Research Analysts (RA), also known as financial advisors or investment advisors, are individuals or firms licensed by a governing body such as the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to provide stock market advisory services to retail and institutional investors. These financial advisors or RAs possess high quality academic excellence with deep knowledge and experience of distinct stock market instruments that makes them the right personnel to provide share market advisory service.
These RIAs also have a fiduciary duty to put their client's interests above their own and give unbiased and honest advice. Also, they are only allowed to provide recommendations and advice about investment in the stock market; the final decision to accept such advice and invest lies with the client only.
The services of RIA are not just confined to stock market advisory but go beyond it; their span of services includes portfolio management, tax planning, wealth management, and other services.
1) Personalised advice: -
The way investors invest their money varies on a number of factors such as their risk appetite, income level, investment goal and other additional factors because of which a stock market advisor always considers all of these factors and then gives a personalised stock market advice to an investor.
2) Market research and analysis: -
It is the primary duty of an investment advisor to stay updated with daily developments and changes that take place in various sectors around the world, such as geopolitics, business & finance, politics, and macro and micro economy because the stock market tends to change with variations in such sectors. Additionally, these advisors should continuously apply their experience and knowledge to conduct thorough research and analysis to assess and identify new investment opportunities and give investors the right stock market advisory.
3) Awareness & education of investors: -
Educating the investor about new developments and changes is an implied responsibility of an investment advisor. While performing this responsibility, these advisors make sure that they explain different financial concepts, methodologies, and rationale behind a share market advice to the investor in a simple manner so that they understand the risk and reward of a particular investment correctly and can make the final decision about their investment.
4) Other Financial Services -
Financial advisors not only provide the stock market advisory but also focus on maintaining the overall financial well-being of an investor by providing a comprehensive set of financial services, which entail wealth and estate planning, tax planning, and retirement planning. By doing so, an advisor ensures that an investor's future is financially secured.
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Over 100+ years of experience in capital market
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Low cost plans
Past performance does not guarantee any future returns.
All investments are subject to market risk
Univest - The right stock market advisory company in India
Stock market advisory plays a significant role in assisting an investor in generating wealth and investing in the most optimal manner so the risk of such investments can be reduced, and the benefits of capital appreciation and income generation can be enjoyed.
Investors should only seek stock market advisory from registered investment advisors or financial advisors because these are licensed professionals who are given an allowance from a regulatory body to provide such advice along with other financial services.
However, sometimes, share market advisory services can turn out to be a two-way sword because timing the stock market accurately is not possible; therefore, it is essential to understand that these are just pieces of advice, even if they are sourced from registered investment advisors. Thus, it is considered a prudent approach for an investor to analyse a stock market advisory thoroughly.
Therefore, platforms like Univest are a great resource where you can trust their SEBI-registered analysts, who are experienced and have a proven track record of offering profitable stock market advisory with a specific focus on providing a timely exit from loss-making investments, which helps to generate a higher return and safeguard their customers's portfolios from losses.
What is a stock market advisory ?

Who are registered investment advisors (RIA) or research analysts (RA)?

Beside share market advisory, what other services do stock market advisors provide?

Is share market advisory service beneficial to every investor?

What makes Univest the stock market advisory company in India?