Contra funds invest in stocks that are currently undervalued or out-of-favor with the market.
Idea is to buy quality stocks at ‘bargain’ prices when everyone else is overlooking them.
Imagine a good Indian company’s stock dropping due to a temporary setback. Contra funds might see this as a buying opportunity.
When the market ‘corrects’ and starts valuing those undervalued stocks, contra funds aim for big returns.
Category: Equity
Risk: Very High
1Y Returns: 47.5%
Rating: 5
Fund Size (in Cr): ₹23,572
Category: Equity
Risk: Very High
1Y Returns: 45.9%
Rating: 4
Fund Size (in Cr): ₹2,450
Category: Equity
Risk: Very High
1Y Returns: 37.9%
Rating: 3
Fund Size (in Cr): ₹13,344
Always research & consult experts before investing.