5 Best Renewable Energy Stocks In India

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AGEL is one of India’s largest renewable energy companies, primarily focusing on solar and wind power. 

Adani Green Energy Limited 

Tata Power is involved in both generation and distribution of renewable energy, with significant focus on solar power. 

Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd 

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NTPC is India’s largest power utility and is significantly increasing its focus on renewable energy. 

NTPC Limited 

JSW Energy is a leading private sector power producer with a growing focus on renewable energy. 

JSW Energy Limited 

The first and only solar glass manufacturer in India, Borosil Renewables Ltd, was founded in 1962.  

Borosil Renewables 

This research serves educational and informational purposes only. It is not to be considered as a portfolio management service, basket recommendation, or investment advisory. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing.

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